Sunday, April 21, 2002

This is a first post to see how this works.
Stand-by.......(click: click: click:).... Hummmm that seems to work pretty well. Next as time allows, the fine tuning.
But first! Let me tell you about one of the two cats I have sitting here within a floating shed hair of the keyboard. This guy is is a hoot. Sure there's a great cat at your house too, BUT this guy, (15 pounds and solid muscle) plays FETCH as well as any dog you've ever seen. When he decides its play time. He brings me whichever stuffed mouse is not under the refrigerator or couch or cabinet. Puts down the mouse and takes his stance facing away, and waiting for the mouse to clear the air. Chase, (like a full throttle drag racer) and retrieve is his game. He charges back with a proud gate, lays down the mouse, assumes the stance, and prepares to go again. And yes, he can be fooled with an arm swing, and yes he can catch mid-air like a frisbee dog too. After about eight times of this he loses interest and plops down to rest. In time there'll be a picture of my buddy here.